Friday, April 6, 2012

Civil 3d 2013 is here!

I know its been awhile and I know I have been neglecting you all but trust me when I say, I'm vowing to post regularly on a going forward basis. So lets talk about the new Civil 3d 2013. It's new, It's here, and it's got a lot of really cool tools. Over the coarse of my next few posts I plan on showcasing many of these new enhancements and tools. Exciting things to mention are
  • Pressure Pipes (Yeah, finally)
  • Cloud Access
  • Rail design
  • New enhanced Corridor tool
  • New Volumes Dashboard
  • New Drive tool
  • Survey Query tools
  • Embedded Sub Assembly Composer
  • ....and more.
Since we have all been waiting so long for it I figured I'd start with Pressure Pipes. Pressure pipes are an entirely new entity within Civil 3d and have there own catalogues, parts lists, labels and styles much like the traditional gravity pipes that were previously available. You can lay your network out in plan view with the compass tool that will allow you to snap to fitting increments based on previous deflection. You can also draw your network in profile view and then come back and make changes and add appurtenances. You can then perform interference checks for quality control. Now I'd love to tell you that this is the "end all, beat all" tool we've always wanted but I'd just be blowing smoke. The tools are not AT ALL bad but not as flexible and user friendly as we would like them to be. Still it is a great start and I'd personally like to thank Autodesk for finally including this functionality to help us round out our "one-stop-shop" we call Civil 3D. I look forward to seeing were they take these tools from here. Below are a few screen shots to give you a taste of the tools if you haven't have a chance to experience them yet. Check back soon for more.