Monday, October 11, 2010

Pipe Crossings in Profile

Several people have been asking lately why pipe crossings look so bad in Civil 3D within profiles. Whenever they project a crossing pipe onto a profile it looks something like this:
Well there is a solution and NO you don't have to just "live with it". The answer is the create a ""Crossing Pipe Style". So here's how it works. Create a new (or copy an existing) Pipe style to be used just for your pipe crossings. In your style editor on the Pipes tab select "Draw to outer walls". You may also want to select "Hatch Walls". On the Display tab switch the "View Direction" to "Profile". In the Componenet Display section turn off all the "Visable" lightbulbs except "Crossing Pipe Inside Wall", Crossing Pipe Outside Wall", & "Crossing Pipe Hatch".

After you've completed this make sure that you set this to be the current style on all your crossing utilities. It will then look like this:
I hope this helps. Check back soon for more tips and updates.


  1. Mario, thanks for the information. The company I work for is switching to color plotting. Utility and storm pipes will be plotted in color, which I am setting up. Plotting profiles in color is straight-forward with the exception of the crossing overrides. No matter what plot style setting I use, I just cannot get crossing pipes to plot in color in the profile view when all other objects plot as directed. Have you ran into this issue and, if so, do you have any recommendations on how to resolve?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you may offer.


  2. Mario, thanks for the information. The company I work for is switching to color plotting. Utility and storm pipes will be plotted in color, which I am setting up. Plotting profiles in color is straight-forward with the exception of the crossing overrides. No matter what plot style setting I use, I just cannot get crossing pipes to plot in color in the profile view when all other objects plot as directed. Have you ran into this issue and, if so, do you have any recommendations on how to resolve?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you may offer.


  3. This was SOOOO helpful! Thank you!!
